What to prepare when giving birth?
What to prepare when giving birth?
What to prepare when giving birth?

What do you need to prepare when giving birth? And what are the necessary notes? To answer these questions, Autoru has compiled information that can help mothers prepare more carefully to avoid the situation of lacking important items leading to inconvenience when mothers give birth.

Prepare supplies for mother when giving birth

What to prepare when giving birth

Pregnant mothers preparing to give birth should have important items, during the time in the hospital, mothers will usually be provided with specialized clothes that should be made of sweat-absorbent material and have buttons to help mothers easily breastfeed. But besides that, mothers should also prepare some of the following items:

  • You will need a change of clothes to wear after you leave the hospital. While you are in the hospital you will be given a change of clothes each day.
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste and physiological mouthwash
  • Body and face towels
  • Hairbrush, clips or hair ties (using elastic hair ties will reduce pain when tying hair)
  • Mothers should use disposable underwear for convenience in the hospital and mothers must choose the right size and be comfortable to wear.
  • Mothers need to use 2 types of sanitary napkins. One large one for mothers who are about to give birth and one regular one for mothers who are not yet in labor.
  • Wear a comfortable, stretchy, nursing bra.
  • Socks are indispensable equipment for pregnant mothers when giving birth.

Mothers should pay attention to bring these items because these items are very important when giving birth or while waiting for labor. It is necessary to prepare carefully to ensure that mothers always maintain good hygiene, especially mothers who have had a cesarean section.

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Prepare baby supplies

What to prepare when giving birth

For babies born normally, the hospital stay is about 2-3 days, but for babies born by cesarean section, it is usually about 1 week. However, during the time the baby is in the hospital, they will be given sterilized clothes, but during this time the baby often goes to the toilet a lot, so it is necessary to prepare baby supplies and below is a list of supplies to prepare for the baby:

  • Baby clothes: 8-10 sets
  • Hood, gloves, socks: 5 – 7 pairs
  • Baby wraps to keep warm: 3 – 4 soft towels
  • Baby wipes: 12 pieces for wiping baby and after bathing
  • Baby towels: 4 – 6 towels used to absorb water and wipe baby
  • Pillows and blankets for children
  • Prepare pads, cloth diapers and disposable diapers for newborns: You need to prepare 20 – 35 pieces, sometimes you will use more in the first days after birth.
  • Waterproof pads: You need to prepare 12 – 15 waterproof pads specifically for babies to help keep your baby clean and make it easy to change diapers.
  • Other items: Wet wipes, baby saline, cotton swabs, diaper rash cream and medical cotton
  • Breast pump, bottles, water and bottle cleaner: In case the mother has a cesarean section and cannot breastfeed directly.

When a baby is born, his body will be very sensitive, so it is better to prepare carefully for the baby. Careful preparation will help mother and baby have a warm and happy first days together.

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What should relatives prepare when taking their mother to give birth?

What to prepare when giving birth

In addition to the list of necessary items for mother and baby, relatives should prepare for the mother when going with her. Relatives need to bring necessary items such as documents and personal belongings to be proactive in the process of taking the mother to give birth. The following are the necessary items that relatives should prepare:

  • Mother’s hospital admission documents: Citizen ID card, health insurance card, copy of household registration book, pregnancy test results, mother’s pregnancy examination book and previous pregnancy examination papers.
  • Cash, ATM card: Pay for hospital fees and other expenses (it is best to prepare cash because it will be easier to pay and the procedure will be easier)
  • Phone: Use when needed to contact and make sure the battery is always full to contact relatives when necessary
  • Personal hygiene items: Towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste, face towels
  • Pillow and blanket: Bring a pillow to make it easier to stay with your mother.

Relatives who take the mother to give birth also need to prepare the necessary items for the mother and baby. Especially the father, the father’s careful preparation will help the mother’s spirit and psychology to be more comfortable and happy. However, the father also needs to bring personal items for hygiene and rest to take care of the mother.

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Where to buy complete and convenient maternity clothes combo?

For families giving birth for the first time, preparation cannot be complete and there will always be shortcomings. So for convenience and to avoid shortcomings when preparing, mothers can buy combos of supplies when going to give birth at mother and baby supermarket chains, which will help mothers be more convenient when going to give birth and save time preparing.

With the above information, Autoru hopes to answer the question of what to prepare when giving birth?  and help mothers carefully prepare the necessary and important items for giving birth. Not preparing carefully when giving birth will lead to some difficulties such as having to find and buy when needed. Therefore, it is better to prepare more than not enough during the mother’s birth process. When mother and father are ready to welcome the new member, they should also prepare the necessary items for the baby. Let’s see more mother and baby products below:

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