How to teach your baby to roll over and crawl quickly and correctly
How to teach your baby to roll over and crawl quickly and correctly
How to teach your baby to roll over and crawl quickly and correctly

Teaching your baby to roll over and crawl is an important step in the development of young children. To help your baby develop this skill quickly and properly, it is important to create a safe and encouraging environment. Use toys that your baby likes to increase your baby’s interest in practicing. Moreover, modeling and guiding basic movements also helps your baby understand and imitate naturally. The most important thing is to be patient and encourage when your baby starts to perform basic postures. But how to teach your baby to roll over and crawl quickly and do it correctly, the following article Autoru will help you do that.

When should you teach your baby to crawl?

When to teach your baby to roll over is a question that many parents are concerned about, because it is an important step in the early development of young children. Below are some notes when deciding the right time to start teaching your baby to roll over.

Teach your baby to roll and crawl
  • Basic baby development: First, look at your baby’s basic development to determine if he or she has the strength and flexibility to perform rolling or crawling movements. This includes the ability to lift his or her head and chest from a tummy position, as well as the ability to lift and move his or her arms and legs naturally.
  • Baby’s Interest and Curiosity: The time when your baby can learn to roll over also requires interest and curiosity from your baby. When your baby starts showing interest in the objects around him and wants to move to explore everything, it can be a sign that he is ready to start learning to roll over.
  • Baby’s age: According to child development experts, most babies start crawling between 3 and 6 months of age. However, each baby is an individual and may develop at different rates. Therefore, there is no hard and fast rule about the age at which your baby should start crawling.
  • Tolerance and comfort: The most important thing is to observe how your baby responds to rolling movements. If your baby is comfortable and doesn’t have any problems, it may be a sign that he or she is ready to continue practicing rolling.

Exercises to help babies learn to roll over and crawl properly

Exercise 1: Starting position: Lay the baby down, one hand needs to hold the baby’s two hands, the other hand lifts the baby’s neck, each movement has 2 rhythms: “” and “”

  • Hold the baby with both hands and slowly pull him forward, without using too much force so that he can actively sit up in rhythm.
  • Slowly lay the baby down as before.

Exercise 2: Starting position: Place baby face down, face up, two hands holding baby’s armpits.

  • Lift baby from tummy to kneeling position
  • Lift the baby up
  • Help the baby kneel down
  • Return to starting position

Exercise 3: Prepare your back close to the baby’s belly, one hand supporting the baby’s belly, the other hand supporting the baby’s knees, drop the toy to the ground so the baby can see.

  • Let the baby bend forward.
  • Encourage baby to pick up toys
  • Let the baby pick up toys
  • Gently return baby to the starting position.

Exercise 4: Starting position: Place the baby on his stomach, one hand supporting the baby’s belly, the other holding the baby’s elbow.

  • Lift your baby’s waist so that his belly is slightly high, then encourage him to lift his body up.
  • Place baby belly down in the ready position.

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Notes when teaching your baby to crawl

  • Muscle development: Before letting your baby practice crawling safely, mothers should regularly let their baby practice exercises to help develop muscles by performing Tummy times. These movements are very important in developing the muscles of the neck, head and spine.
  • Safe environment: When teaching your baby to roll over, always make sure that he or she is in a safe and supervised environment. Use a soft mat to avoid the risk of injury if your baby falls or slips while practicing rolling over.
  • Keep your baby in the right position: When your baby is trying to roll over, keep him in the right position. Make sure that his body, head and chest can be easily lifted. Avoid placing him too low or too high, this can cause unnecessary muscle tension for him.
  • Encourage and motivate: Encourage your baby to roll over in a variety of positions and on a variety of surfaces. This helps develop their muscles and motor skills, as well as helping them enjoy exploring the world around them.
  • Support your baby when needed: Support your baby when needed but let him explore and experiment with movements on his own. Use your arms and hands to help him maintain balance and feel secure.
  • Time and frequency: Give your baby short but frequent sessions. Rolling over doesn’t have to be an hour-long activity, but it should be done every day so your baby can develop consistently.
  • Make sure your baby gets enough rest: Finally, make sure your baby gets enough rest. Rolling over can be tiring for your baby’s muscles, so give your baby time to rest and recover.

In all cases, the most important thing is to listen to your baby’s body and interactions. If your baby seems uncomfortable or uninterested in rolling over, stop and try again later. The above tips will help your baby develop rolling skills safely and effectively.

Conclusion: Through the above article, Autoru has shared with you information about crawling as well as the time, exercises and notes when crawling. Hopefully, through this information, parents can guide their babies to crawl quickly and correctly.

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