9 secrets about baby sleep that parents should know
9 secrets about baby sleep that parents should know
9 secrets about baby sleep that parents should know

Newborn sleep is very important, it affects the development of the brain as well as many organs in the body. In fact, newborns sleep a lot, an average of 16-18 hours a day in the first two weeks. However, newborns wake up frequently and rarely sleep more than 4 hours, even at night. In addition, there are many interesting things about newborn sleep that you may not have discovered yet. Let’s learn about the secrets of sleep with Autoru through the following article!

Newborns don’t need quiet to sleep.

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You may not know it, but most of your baby’s sleep can take place in the noisiest, or brightest, places. Your baby spends nine months in your womb, and it’s not a quiet place. In fact, sounds like your heartbeat, your digestive system, and other bodily functions are quite loud. However, after this stage, when your baby has become accustomed to the outside environment, and has a certain sleep schedule, even the slightest noise can disrupt your baby’s sleep.

Newborns often wake up at night.

The secret of baby sleep

It can be exhausting to wake up in the middle of the night to nurse and comfort your baby. However, more than 95% of mothers with babies under 12 months old suffer the same fate. On average, babies wake up at least 3 times a night.

See more:  How to help your baby sleep well so you can relax

Babies also dream when they sleep.

The secret of baby sleep

In a baby’s sleep, not only do they dream more often, but they also dream more often than adults. Adults only spend about 20% of their sleep time dreaming, while newborns even spend 50% of their sleep time dreaming.

Swaddling can help your baby sleep better

Swaddling your baby will create a gentle pressure around your baby’s body, giving him a sense of security similar to the feeling he had when he was in the womb. However, mothers should note that not all babies like being wrapped in blankets.

Babies can sleep when there is noise.

The secret of baby sleep

When sleeping, your baby may hiccup, make whistling noises or even gulp down saliva. Also, because your baby spends most of his time dreaming, there will be some noises your baby makes while he sleeps, too!

Baby’s sleep needs by age

Each baby will have different sleeping times, they may nap more during the day and sleep less at night or vice versa, but mothers should ensure that their children sleep deeply and sufficiently. Under 12 months, the total sleep time of the baby is from 14 to 16 hours per day. This sleep duration gradually decreases as the baby grows older.

Babies need a safe sleeping space.

The secret of baby sleep

Creating a safe sleeping space for your baby is extremely important and necessary to ensure your baby’s health and safety. A safe sleeping space is not simply a place for your baby to rest and get enough sleep, but also an environment where your baby can thrive. First of all, choosing a bed and mattress that is suitable for your baby’s age is very important. The bed needs to have protective barriers to prevent your baby from falling out while sleeping, and the mattress needs to be designed so as not to cause discomfort or irritation to your baby’s skin. Creating a safe sleeping space for your baby is not only a place for your baby to rest, but also an important part of caring for and protecting your baby’s health.

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Newborns have their own ways of sleeping.

Babies often have their own unique sleeping patterns, and this is completely normal. Each baby may respond differently to sleep, depending on their personality, health, and environment. Some babies prefer to sleep on their side, while others prefer to sleep on their stomach. Some babies may need to be held or rocked gently to fall asleep.

Parents often have to find the most suitable sleeping position for their baby. This may include using a body pillow, an electric crib or creating a quiet and comfortable environment for the baby. Most importantly, make sure that the baby is placed in a safe position to sleep, avoiding the risk of suffocation and other safety issues.

The secret of baby sleep

Baby sleep cycles vary.

Your baby’s sleep cycle can vary depending on his or her age, personal factors, and even the environment. Newborns typically have short, frequent sleep cycles, with naps lasting from 30 minutes to 3 hours. During this period, your baby will often wake up to eat, have a diaper change, or just need care from you.

The secret of baby sleep

As your baby gets older, their sleep patterns may change. They may begin to sleep through the night without waking to feed. However, nighttime sleep is often interrupted by things like hair from blankets, noise from the environment, or sleep disturbances.

As your baby gets older, his sleep cycle may become more regular, with longer sleeps and fewer wakings. However, nighttime wakings may still occur due to nightmares, colds, or other factors.

The secrets of sleep in children are often something we cannot fully understand. Each baby has a unique way of sleeping and the factors that affect their sleep are also diverse. From dreaming about the new world, to the development of the nervous system and mental development, a child’s sleep is a complex and magical process. Although we cannot fully understand everything that is happening in a baby’s sleep, it is important to create a safe and comfortable sleeping environment to support the baby’s development and rest. Through the above article, we hope that the information that Autoru brings to you can help you understand a part of your baby’s sleep.

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